Donne del bassopiano eritreo (Women, Eritrean Downlands)
Dramma in boscaglia (Drama in the bush)
Elements of Eritrean culture
Etiopia in guerra (Ethiopia at war)
Fasiga (Pasqua Etiopica, Ethiopian Easter)
Giungla in Nigeria (Jungle in Nigeria)
Guerra in East Africa (la donna) War in East Africa (the woman)
Il fiume Gash (The River Gash), Alighidir
King Solomon meets Queen Sheba
La cerimonia del caffe’ (The coffee ceremony)
Le montagne di Kassala ad Alighidir
Market in Alighidir, Eritrea
Mother and child, Eritrea
Nudino con melone (Nude with watermelon)
Paesaggio d’altopiano (Highlands landscape)
Pratica di magia (Practice of magic)
Profumo d’incenso (The perfume of incense)
Sapore d’Africa (Taste of Africa)
Savana eritrea (Eritrean Savannah)
sketch 10 figure (figures)
sketch 2 al mercato (at the market) Asmara
sketch 4 donne al mercato, (women at the market), Asmara
sketch 5 cammello e padrone (camel and his master)
sketch 8 stanco di camminare (tired of walking)
sketch 9 studi di figure (figures)
Tessenei, paesaggio (Landscape)
Vita di boscaglia Life in the bush (Nigeria)