The monograph, "Nenne sanguineti poggi, an artist without borders," Savona 2023
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Imperial family batik

Size: 90×90 centimeters (cm | in) Status: Sold Inquire About Work

Incantesimo (Magical spell)

Size: 50×35 centimeters (cm | in) Type: Incantesimo (Magical spell) Status: In vendita, collezione italiana Inquire About Work

Incastri di culture (Interlockings of cultures)

Size: 100×90 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media) 2000 Status: for sale USA collection Inquire About Work


Status: private property Inquire About Work

Ivory vase with irises

Type: oil Status: for sale USA collection Inquire About Work

Jungle fire in Nigeria

Status: private property Inquire About Work

Kagigia (Tekke’)

Size: 65×50 centimeters (cm | in) Type: olio (oil) Status: In vendita, collezione italiana Inquire About Work

King Solomon meets Queen Sheba

Size: 35×50 centimeters (cm | in) Type: olio (oil) Status: for sale USA collection Inquire About Work

L’Abugamel ad Alighidir

Size: 45×35 centimeters (cm | in) Type: olio Status: proprieta” privata Inquire About Work

L’albero della vita (Tree of life)

Size: 53×73 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media) Status: SOLD Inquire About Work

L’anima segreta delle cose (The secret life of things)

Size: 70×50 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media) Status: In vendita, collezione italiana Inquire About Work

L’eta’ della donna (the age of woman)

Size: 40×60 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media), ca. 1996 Status: for sale USA collection Inquire About Work

la bottega dell’orafo

Size: 45×35 centimeters (cm | in) Type: oil Status: sold Inquire About Work

La cerimonia del caffe’ (the coffee ceremony)

Size: 72×52 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media) Status: for sale USA collection Inquire About Work

La maga (The witch)

Size: 35×50 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media) Status: for sale USA collection Inquire About Work

La perfezione del numero sei (the perfection of number six)

Status: private property Inquire About Work

La signora vestita di bianco (The lady in white)

Size: 50×70 centimeters (cm | in) Type: olio (oil) Status: In vendita, collezione italiana Inquire About Work

Labirinto (Labyrinth)

Size: 26×36 centimeters (cm | in) Status: In vendita, collezione italiana Inquire About Work

Lascaux Artista di 15.00 Anni Fa (Artist, 15000 years ago)

Size: 50×70 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media) Status: for sale USA collection Inquire About Work

Lascaux, nascita della pittura (Birth of painting)

Size: 70×50 centimeters (cm | in) Type: tecnica mista (mixed media) Status: In vendita, collezione italiana Inquire About Work